Coming soon! WCYC Youth Rally!
Friday, April 25 to Sunday, April 27
- click here for details -

Wisconsin Christian Youth Camp

If you are looking for a beautiful, safe, fun, God-focused camp for your youngster, you have found it at Wisconsin Christian Youth Camp (WCYC). As a brief introduction, we are a Christian organization, with 450 acres of beautiful forest, just south of Black River Falls, Wisconsin. For more information, browse our “Why WCYC” link above.

Our primary mission is bringing kids into a closer relationship with their Creator, the God of the Old and New Testaments - and, Jesus Christ, the Savior of all humankind.

  • Camper Registration

    We look forward to seeing your smiling faces. Click here to reserve your spot. Act now, and save money with our early-bird special pricing.

  • Staff Registration

    Calling all adults!

    We canNOT pull off this awesome camp without a dedicated army of volunteer staff. We need cooks and cleaners, cabin counselors and lifeguards, game coordinators and Bible class teachers. Please, consider donating a week (or two) to bless these young people. You will not regret it.

  • Upcoming Events

    We’re more than just youth camps!

    WCYC is a lively organization, with all kinds of opportunities to be involved. Check us out… work days, bike-a-thon, youth retreats, preacher retreats! All are welcome!

“Start children off on the right path.
And even when they are old,
they will not turn away from it.”
Proverbs 22:6

“The most outstanding quality is the camp’s spiritual commitment.”


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